It's hard to believe that my little baby is 18 months old already...not so much a baby anymore!
Jace recently had his 18 month check up. Here are his stats:
Weight - 26.9lbs (just above the 50th percentile)
Height - 34" (the 90th percentile)
Head - 50th percentile
Most of you who know Jace, know that he does not appreciate being told what to do, so Jace basically screamed throughout his entire doctor's visit! Fun!
A few things about Jace at 18 months:
- He got his 1st ear infection this month. He hated his medicine and I had to pin him to the ground and force it down him. I hated every second of it.
- Jace LOVES to give big wet kisses! He also learned how to do razzberries and loves to give those as well. Although, he occasionally slips in a bite when doing so. He also loves to give cuddly hugs.
- Jace loves fruit and eats it by the handful. He would probably eat himself sick with fruit if we would let him. He is also a big meat lover (any kind). He hates vegetables and won't even touch them.
- Jace has about 10 words in his vocabulary, most of which can only be understood by Jer or I.
They are:
Mama = mom or grandma
Nee = blanket
Maymay = baby
Mo = More
Mmmm = Milk or movie
Ehmooo = Elmo
Ahnee = Barney
Wywee = Wylie (our cat)
And there are probably a few more that I am forgetting.
- Jace is very attached to his blanket.
- Jace has started to notice that there are things he doesn't do like the rest of us (ex: sit in a big chair, etc) and refuses to do things differently anymore. Hopefully, he will do that with potty training soon (which we have not started yet).
- Jace is (I like to say) a "Dr Jekyll and Hyde". When he is good, he is sooo good. He can keep himself occupied for hours and just loves to sneak hugs and kisses in between playing. However, when Jace does not get his way, he throws a tantrum for the record books and does NOT get over it. I am lost at what to do with him sometimes. Either way, I love my Jekyll and Hyde!

We LOVE you Jace!! Thanks for a wonderful 18 months!!
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