Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jace - 15 months

Jace had his 15 month check up today. Here are some of his stats:

Weight: 24lbs (50%)
Height: 32 inches (75%)
Head: 50th %

At his last check up, the doctor was slightly concerned with his weight, but he is looking good and right on track now. We have also been concerned about a milk allergy or lactose intolerance. The doctor does not think this is the issue for him. We are trying a couple of other dietary changes instead (ex: no juice) to see if that helps him out. If it doesn't, we will go back to check for allergies.
Praise God for a healthy boy!!

1 comment:

Tiffany Kraker said...

What a cutie! I can't believe he is that old already! It seems like just yesterday I was sneaking in to Zeeland hospital and watching the nurse give him a bath...