We are thru the difficult newborn stage. Jace has adjusted to his new formula and his colicky nights are pretty much completely over. He has also learned that he doesn't need to be held all of the time and actually loves kicking and playing on the floor all by himself. He also enjoys his new swing which has been a huge relief to me. He is sleeping from 10:30pm to 7:30am....yeah!! The only thing we haven't quite figured out yet is getting Jace to sleep. He seems to need to be rocked to sleep while he screams. Sometimes he surprises me and lets me lay him and he will fall asleep on his own.
Jace is probably the most smiley baby I have ever seen. All you have to do is look at him and he will give you the biggest grin. He is also giggling out loud now. I LOVE it! A few other things he has learned is to copy faces that I make at him, sit up in his bumbo chair and stand in his activity center. He has also made the move from his bassinet to his crib....a sad day for mom. (I have trouble with this step...I guess because it means he is growing up so fast).
Some of Jace's favorites are standing up on his feet, sucking on two fingers, sitting in his swing, laying under his fish and grabbing at them, and sitting in his bouncy seat in the window watching the cars go by. However, his absolute favorite thing is having someone talk with him!
We are so blessed to have Jace in our family. Jordyn has adjusted well to him and absolutely loves him as long as he isn't crying when she wants our attention. We love you Jace!!
Enjoy some pics: